sâmbătă, 26 ianuarie 2013


EN:  I have taken these pictures when a sunny day came up and i took advantage of it. I took a long,nice walk in the park and i had a mini shooting with my friend. haha we had a lot of fun and it was very relaxing.

RO: Am facut pozele astea intr-o zi insorita(am murit putin de frig,ce-i drept) si am profitat din plin de ea.M-am plimbat prin parc si cu ocazia asta am facut si un mini-shooting haha. A fost foarte amuzant si relaxant in acelasi timp.

joi, 24 ianuarie 2013


EN : The first thing that I decided to share with you is my beautiful trip to Barcelona and all the magical moments. I had a great time and i wish i could have stayed there for months ! Barcelona is a wonderful city with a rich culture and there are a lot to visit. I loved it ! The people are great,very warm and i was very happy about this.I recommed you this amazing place and i hope to go back as soon as possible !

RO : Primul lucru pe care am decis sa il impartasesc: excursia din Barcelona si toate momentele magice. M-am simtit extrem de bine si mi-as fi dorit sa pot ramane acolo pentru luni de zile ! Barcelona este un oras minunat cu o cultura foarte bogata si sunt extrem de multe de vizitat. Oamenii sunt foarte calzi,lucru de care am fost foarte surprinsa, dar si foarte bucuroasa ! Va recomand acest loc minunat ! Eu sper sa revin cat mai repede !

Here I am!

Here I am ! I have always wanted to share my passions with other people and I decided that it's time to make a blog  I really wish my blog to be a story,a good one! You will find parts of my life wich includes fashion,lifestyle and travels.
